Why Should Girls Seek for STEM Apprenticeships ?

| August 22, 2013

hhlnwe1p46k6f5sts2bkKeeping in mind the present business scenario, a significant part of the population still prefer to build a career in engineering. The engineering field has a vast range of disciplines under it; civil, mechanical, production, electrical, electronics, agricultural, nuclear, bio-medical, software to name a few. The branch of engineering is focussed on bringing innovations that will prove to be helpful for the human civilisation. This particular sector operates on the basis of the scientific and technological knowledge that engineers acquire during their courses. The theoretical and practical knowledge that engineering students receive during their course will help them to perform in a better way when they will get involved with the designing and development of various processes or structures. It also helps them to operate the different machines and devices with ease.

It may often happen that not everyone is able to enrol for the regular engineering course and earn a degree, however is keen to take up an engineering job at the same time. This is the case with lots of women all across the globe including the UK. Engineering jobs are still perceived as a man’s job and the fact is that many girls are restricted from going for engineering and technology related jobs. Reasons behind this are varied. While a few are strictly discouraged, many do not get sufficient time and funds to earn a proper engineering degree, others may be simply confused.

If you are faced with a similar crisis, it is time for you to choose the other way and fulfil your dreams. Yes it is high time that you consider going for apprenticeships, STEM apprenticeships to be precise. Essex County Council in association with several employers successfully arranges for STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) apprenticeships. Those of you who had always nurtured the dream of being associated with an engineering job but did not get a chance to earn a regular degree, should seek for the STEM apprenticeships. These apprenticeships are one of the best ways to acquire a knowledge in the relevant field for they offer you money as well. Yes the apprenticeships are paid training programs, giving women the chance to learn and earn at the same time.

Enrolling for the STEM apprenticeship with your choice of subject will give you adequate scope to pick up the skills for the program will expose you extensively to practical knowledge. There is no denying that theoretical knowledge is not enough to deal with engineering and other related jobs. One should undertake several training programs as well. This is what apprenticeships are all about – practical exposure.

On the successful completion of the training program, STEM apprenticeships will also give you a certificate. This is what you have been yearning for. The certificate will give an added benefit when you go for job interviews as employers always prefer candidates with a certificate.

Engineering is a lucrative career prospect and if you still haven’t secured a degree and job, this is your chance to seek knowledge in this field.

Author Bio: Penny Palmer is associated with a company that offers apprenticeships in engineering jobs. Penny is aware of how important apprenticeships for girls are when it comes to securing jobs in the engineering sector.

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