Top 5 tips to Maximize Profits from Yard Sale
Are your closets overflowing, or the thought of trying to find something in your attic frightening? Then it’s a time for a yard sale. However, hauling heavy boxes and furniture outside for long hours in the hot sun and getting a single visit is nobody’s idea of a good time. But with a careful planning, smart advertising, catchy signage and a beautiful setup one can make extra cash easily.
If you are ready to get rid of unused items or want to raise some cash, then follow these tips to get the most out of yard sale.
Use right tools: To make the most amount of money, it is very essential to use right tools for yard sale. Here’s how:
- Rope and hangers for clothes
- Tables for small items
- A calculator or notepad to keep a running total
- Pricing stickers
- Clothes pins
- Markers and signs for advertising
- Coins for making change and Small bills
Send Notices: In yard sale, it is always recommended to create a letter or flyer to notify your neighborhood, building or workplace for upcoming sale. You can also offer a discount or incentive to the people like $5 off for every purchase.
Arrange a Pre-sale: A flyer not only serves the purpose of inviting the people, you can also use them for including one or more days you will be available before the real sale. You will be surprised to see the end result. It not only helps the shoppers to get the good stuff allows but also you to sell the products early.
Online and offline advertising: Make sure the copy of your yard sale include the proper date, time, address and merchandise. If you have many sporting equipments to sell don’t forget to list out its sub categories like hunting, biking or fishing. Also, advertise your yard in offline newspapers as well as online websites like yard sale nyc. There is a huge crowd of people who want to shop yard sale you reach as many of them as possible.
Be Friendly: Nothing pushes people more than having baked goods or coffee available for purchase. Talk to each person and find out what they are looking for. When a potential customer spends a lot of time looking at a single thing or asks for the best price, take the initiative immediately and give them more information for that product.
About the Author:
Stephanie runs a business of recyclable small and large junk products. She implements innovative techniques for the management of the junk products and organizes various yard sales within regular time intervals throughout the year.

Category: yard sale