Top 4 Display Cabinet Materials for Wine Storage at Home

| January 7, 2014

winecabinetWe all love a good bottle of wine and since the winter holidays are right at the corner, we should definitely get ready to invite a lot of guests, friends, carol singers, but most importantly, family members who cannot be all year present in our lives. Winter holidays, aside from the commercial outburst, are all about family moments and the magic of being loved and loving back. As an adult, you value the most this “reason” to take a break from anything and spend time with your dear ones. Winter is also the time to drink a glass of wine, while enjoying the beautiful Christmas tree, the lights, the blankets, the fire. So to make sure that magical moment is perfect, read our recommendations in terms of wine cabinet products that will help you keep the wine ready to be enjoyed by the whole family (well, adults, mostly).

No #1: Display Cabinets Made with Mixed Materials

If you’re the type who enjoys bragging about the fine quality wine in the basement, wouldn’t you like a better place to display your wine bottles and brands? Well, of course you’d do. So why not choose a display cabinet? The usual ones have five to six stores. The material is at your choice: wood, metal, glass or a combination of all three.

Tip: Make sure it matches your furniture in the living room. Children and pets should stay away in order to prevent unwanted accidents. We recommend this type of display cabinet for exquisite wine bottles.

No #2: Just Pine Cabinets

Well, pine cabinets are also a good wine storage option for homes. These are pine wood cabinets, usually cheaper than the metal and glass ones. You can store the wine bottles behind “closed doors” or simply insert the bottles in a pine pocket. They add a taste of vintage and are easy to maintain. Maintenance costs are also smaller for this type of wine cabinet.

Tip: If you love vintage furniture, it might blend in really nicely in between a faux fireplace and book shelves. We also recommend these display cabinets for “rose” or “blanch” wine bottles.

No #3: Mahogany or Oak Wood Cabinets

Since we were mentioning wood and classy, there are two more options for wood wine cabinets: mahogany and oak. Do you remember Snow White, who had hair as black as mahogany? Close enough that is the color of mahogany display cabinets. Not black, but a dark brown color that adapts to every furniture type. And you don’t have to be an interior designer to make a good choice.

The oak wood, on the other hand, is considered to be sacred. The oak tree was a symbol of sacredness to druids and ancient cultures. I am not sure if they are happy with cutting it and using as a display cabinet, but on a more positive side of things, this can represent a deeper bond between the sacredness and symbolism of red wine with that of the oak tree.

Tip: We totally recommend storing red wine in mahogany or oak wood cabinets. Due to a darker color, the light reflected will be as dark as the wood. The light reflected will thus not affect the quality of the red wine.

No #4: Painted Wine Cabinets

Usually, the wine cabinets that can be painted are a mixture of at least two types of wood. The idea is to make the cabinet blend into the overall aspect of the storage room. But there are also two additional reasons:

a) It makes the display cabinet easier to maintain and less expensive

b) You can paint it or buy it already painted depending on which type of wine bottles you wish to add: white painted will better preserve the color of white wine; while vivid colors or dark colors work better of red, rose or other colored wine bottles.

Tip: You can even go for a dual painted display cabinet and use it both for white and red wine bottles.
Want to learn more about display wine cabinets? You can visit WineRacks UK for details and prices in the industry. And remember to enjoy the magic of winter holidays. Cheers!

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