Tips To Saving Money On Car Repairs

| May 4, 2014

Tips To Saving Money On Car RepairsWhen you purchase a vehicle, you have to consider all of the expenses that come with owning a car. Not only must you insure the vehicle, buy gas, pay for annual titling fees and pay for taxes, you must also cover costly car repairs as they pop up unexpectedly. Owning a vehicle can become an expensive responsibility, but there are convenient ways for wise consumers to save money on repairs. Here are 4 tips on lowering the out-of-pocket costs for auto repairs so that being a driver does not break the bank.

Compare Labor Rates and Quotes

If you have auto body damage, one of the first steps to getting the eyesore fixed is pricing the repair. Wise consumers will not simply go with the first bid that they receive. If you want to choose the most competitive rate, request quotes from several different reputable auto body shops. When you review the quote, check the labor rate on each document. Also be sure that you are being charged for the right type of work. This ensures that you will not be taken advantage of.

Find Your Own Replacement Parts

If you are involved in a fender bender or a cart has caused a major dent in your side door, you may want to consider finding replacement parts for your car on your own. While some auto-body shops can get a good deal on replacement parts, it is not out of line for these companies to inflate parts charges. Research the price of replacement parts on your own, look at junk yards, and replace the part the most cost-effective way possible.

Use Insurance When You Can

You pay monthly for your auto insurance so that you do not have to pay for all of your auto repairs out-of-pocket. If you have a cracked windshield and you have the appropriate cover, you can file a claim and only pay for your deductible to have your windshield replaced. If the windshield can be repaired, you may not even be responsible for your deductible. It is important to work with glass companies who will do the processing for you. For example, All-West Glass Ltd., a company offering quality windshield crack repair in Edmonton, will contact insurers and verify coverage for clients to keep the out-of-pocket costs down.

Preventative Maintenance Saves

You can save money on repairs by investing in preventative maintenance. If you keep up on maintenance, the mechanical problems that arise because of wear and tear will not arise. Change your oil, rotate tires, have your rotors turned, and invest in your 30,000 mile check-up so that you do not have to deal with a major repair bill.

Find A Mechanic You Trust

Not every mechanic or repair shop is created equal. It is very important you find one you can trust to give you a clear answer on what may be wrong with your car. This in it’s self will save you money because then you aren’t pay for pointless repairs. It is also nice if they treat you as an intelligent human being because no one likes to be belittled for not knowing much about their car. Don’t always expected the most trusted mechanics to have a nice shop on the outside. Some of the best mechanics have just a simple shop in a quite spot in town. First impressions aren’t always right.

There are a variety of ways to save on car repairs. Use your insurance, compare costs, pay less for parts and stay informed. As an informed consumer, you can keep the money in your pocket for things you would like to spend money on.

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