Tag: Twitter

Why Visual Messages are the Future of Marketing

Why Visual Messages are the Future of Marketing

| June 9, 2016 | 0 Comments

All those wondering why the rush for Instagramlikes  and followers is gaining so much traction, here are some profound statistics and facts that might have them change their minds. The Brain and Information Processing Science has determined that the processing speed of the brain is different when information is presented visually than when it is […]

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4 Ways to Improve Your Marketing Without Draining Your Budget

4 Ways to Improve Your Marketing Without Draining Your Budget

| December 24, 2013 | 0 Comments

Boosting the sales you generate with any business you are trying to grow is not possible without a proper marketing plan in place. Improving your marketing can be done by implementing a few different methods based on the brand you represent and the products or services you want to offer to potential customers. Understanding the […]

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How to Lose Everything Start Again From Scratch

How to Lose Everything Start Again From Scratch

| November 15, 2013 | 0 Comments

Most of us tend to live our lives assuming that we’re never going to go through the kind of tragedy that might lead us to lose everything we own. It’s true that most people reading this will never have their home flooded, burned to the ground or hit by a tornado – but that doesn’t […]

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3 Ways Unique Product Placement Can Boost Retail Business

3 Ways Unique Product Placement Can Boost Retail Business

| November 15, 2013 | 0 Comments

Keeping up with the world of advertising can be difficult, but there are a couple of things that you can do in order to improve the current state of things. A lot of retailers are looking for new ways in which they can draw in customers. You can find out more by taking a look […]

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The Creative Classroom: Everyday Items for Your Decorating Needs

The Creative Classroom: Everyday Items for Your Decorating Needs

| November 4, 2013 | 0 Comments

99.5 percent of teachers report using their own money for their classrooms. A major chunk of this cash goes towards decorations. While your school district may supply the basics, you would be remiss to expect the district to give you everything that you need. Luckily, there are ways that you can decorate your classroom on […]

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