Tag: Technology

What to Do When Technology Fails

What to Do When Technology Fails

| June 18, 2016 | 0 Comments

Unfortunately, technology won’t always be there when you need it. That’s why you have to take extra measures to make sure that your equipment is still functioning as needed. Larger companies have the ability to pay for high-level equipment and people who will come in to fix it. Small businesses don’t have this luxury. They […]

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Top Apps For Globetrotters

Top Apps For Globetrotters

| January 9, 2014 | 0 Comments

While modern technology has helped bring people together and stay connected regardless of location, there are still many reasons people actually need to leave the house. Take business traveling for example. While the Internet and rise of mobile devices has made doing business with those in far-flung locales a fairly painless process, many intrepid businessmen […]

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Going Global: The Four East Coast Tradeshows That Top Industry Leaders Attend

Going Global: The Four East Coast Tradeshows That Top Industry Leaders Attend

| October 27, 2013 | 0 Comments

Whether you’re seeking to broker a deal with some of your chosen industry’s top companies or to shoulder your way into the winner’s circle, tradeshows can have a large impact on the success of your career or business. Finding tricks of the trade and keeping updated on the latest trends could make the difference in […]

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5 Signs That You’re An Emotional Spender

5 Signs That You’re An Emotional Spender

| September 23, 2013 | 0 Comments

We are all human and unfortunately, at certain times our emotions can cause us to cry uncontrollably, overeat and overspend. Some of us have absolutely no control over our emotions. We sometimes have the ability to become debilitating emotional wrecks. For many of these people, spending seems to bring on a sense of unrealistic calm. […]

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Save Money This Summer by Saving Energy

Save Money This Summer by Saving Energy

| September 19, 2013 | 2 Comments

One of the most expensive seasons in terms of energy use is the summer. When temperatures soar and the sun beats down, people need to cool off. But that often means cranking the air conditioner and then paying huge energy bills. The average family spends around $2,000 per year on energy costs. This number can […]

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Energy Efficiency: How Geothermal Energy Can Help You Save Money

Energy Efficiency: How Geothermal Energy Can Help You Save Money

| July 26, 2013 | 1 Comment

Whether it is cutting coupons or finding other ways to cut back on spending, we all enjoy finding new ways to save money. One of the smartest ways one can do this is with the use of geothermal energy. This energy is taken from the water passing through rocks underneath the Earth’s surface. This energy […]

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