Tag: Startup

How to Prepare for Your First Success in Selling a Start-Up Business
For many entrepreneurs, the ultimate goal is to build and sell a successful startup for a profit. But the path to a successful exit can be fraught with obstacles. If you want to sell your startup, you must be prepared and take critical steps to ensure you get the best possible price and deal terms. […]

The Art of Startup: How to Calculate Risks for Your New Business
There are numerous factors that can be used to calculate the risk that a company is taking when just getting started. Understanding the various factors can help you know if you want to proceed. Here are some factors to keep in mind. Liquidity Since 90 percent of all startups fail, it is important to consider […]

How to Save Your Money When Beginning With a Business Startup
It’s a story we know all too well; an ambitious local startup has a great idea and funnels all of their family fortune into making it work. No matter how hard they try, it’s impossible to stay competitive in such an overcrowded market. On the other hand, their product or service might be so niche-specific […]