Tag: Saving

Why You Must Spend In Order To Save On Housing Costs
The Truth In Old Sayings We have all been exposed to a saying that was brought about many years before our time. One saying that many people have heard and still live by is, “You have to spend money to make money”. Few other statements hold such truth, especially in the housing industry. Whether spending […]

Saving and Spending: A Balancing Act
We often dream of getting rich. It’s a common dream, and really, there’s no harm in dreaming. So let’s imagine a scenario wherein this dream does come true. You’ve recently come into money, perhaps by way of inheritance via a deceased relative or access to a mini trust fund given by your grandparents. Although it’s […]

Five Financial Tips for Students
Most students spend a lot on many aspects. They will not think or try to save the money. But it is must to save a little amount for your future. Few financial tips for a student are as follows: Save often: To maintain your financial status and meet your necessities you need to save money […]

13 Money Saving Tips for 2013 – Infographic
Wouldn’t we all like to save a few hundred dollars every month. It seems when you get down to it the money we waste on our daily lives can really add up over a years time. An adjustment in our lives with a little bit here and a little bit there can keep a substantial […]

Find The Best Motivation For Saving Money
Why most of us would like to save more money? The answer to this question is very simple as we do not want to be dependent on someone, money give us freedom and we like feeling financially stable. When we have extra money in our possession, we feel safe and secure that if anything happens, […]