Tag: Saving

Spending vs Saving: Which One Do You Do?
Going into 2024, you must figure out what you are best at. If you are good at saving money, then well done to you as you are better than most. However, if you know you prefer spending money instead, you should make adjustments in your life to solve this. Money management is a skill that […]

Wealth and the Art of Spending
Adhering to a strict budget can be exhausting. There are obviously benefits to being mindful of where your money is going but, much like a diet, restricting yourself for too long can lead to unwanted splurges. IT can be hard to get back on track afterward. The solution? Don’t spend less, spend smarter. Put aside […]

Money Management: 4 Benefits of Having a CD Savings Account
Setting money aside for the future will always be to your advantage. You have options when you are considering opening a savings account. A Certificate of Deposit (CD) account is one such avenue for investing your savings. Here are some reasons for choosing a CD savings account. Higher Earning Potential Typically a longer term CD […]

Save and Invest, Invest and Save
We all feel a sense of responsibility at some point in time. A responsibility that accompanies the excitement of a new job, a responsibility to take care of the needs of our families, a responsibility to plan our child’s future, and ultimately the responsibility to succeed in every role we play. One needs to take […]

How to Deal with Large Unexpected Cash Expenses?
Life is something that is not guaranteed. Life is based on cycles. Maybe today you are in a good situation and you have no idea what is going to happen with you tomorrow. Sometimes you are ready for some difficult times but many times unexpectedly you have to bear a great loss. So if you […]

The Six Most Common Reasons For Going Into Debt
Debt can be one of the biggest contributors to our unhappiness. It is a nagging presence in our lives that always brings us down, no matter how well we may be doing in other areas. There are common reasons why people go into debt. However, all of these factors can be avoided or dealt with. […]