Tag: Personal Finance

Emptying the Debt Recycle Bin & Freeing Your Credit
Credit card debt is undoubtedly the worst kind of debt of all. Every time you make a payment to your credit card company, you’re paying for something you’ve already used, and in many cases something you’ve discarded. Having a strategy will keep you straight when things get tough. A great way to approach your credit […]

Saving and Spending: A Balancing Act
We often dream of getting rich. It’s a common dream, and really, there’s no harm in dreaming. So let’s imagine a scenario wherein this dream does come true. You’ve recently come into money, perhaps by way of inheritance via a deceased relative or access to a mini trust fund given by your grandparents. Although it’s […]

Are you still Running Your Finances on Air?
With incomes remaining static or declining and outgoings continuing to increase, many of us are feeling the pinch. Making sure that everything is paid on time and you have enough money to last the month can seem like an increasingly difficult juggling act. So what steps can you take to try and get your finances […]

How to Arrange your Finances Better
There are a few ways in which you can arrange your finances so that despite you spending you will still manage to save a decent amount of money. Necessary expenses: If you earn a fixed amount of money every month, I don’t need to tell you about fixed expenses, they put a regular dent in […]

Benefits of Personal Finance Management Software
Management of personal finance is a crucial task. It requires efficient allocation of your monetary resources among different categories such as routine expenses for consumption of essential items including foods, electricity, gas, as well as investment to build up future assets like retirement planning, securities, bond, shares etc. The best way to make the job […]

Saving Money: How a Long Term Financial Focus can Create Wealth
As a society, our financial outlook is more often than not limited to only the short term. We make decisions living paycheck to paycheck, or simply on a weekly basis. Even many people who don’t need to live waiting for payday will still treat their financial situation as if the money they have is just […]