Tag: Personal Finance

Manage Personal Finances Better with these 10 Tips
When it comes to personal finances, the key to success resides in spending reasonably, saving, and knowing your options. Personal finance advice exists, but do those advisors truly understand what it’s like working at an unlivable wage with the cost of rent and basic living expenses. Does $15.00 an hour cover rent, utilities, food, and […]

Smart and Easy: Five Tips For Managing Your Family’s Fiances
Finances can be a monster, and managing them can feel like fighting one. Most families are extremely concerned with their finances and while it would be ideal to be able to make more money, the sad truth is that for most families, when their income increases, so do their expenses. This means there is never […]

Six Techniques To Get Your Monthly Finances On Your Side
For such a small piece of paper, money sure has a huge effect on people’s quality of life. No matter how hard you work, it seems like there is never enough in your bank account to show for it. If you are ready to stop fighting your finances and finally get them on your side, […]

7 Quick Life Hacks That Will Save You Money
Life hacks are popular online because they provide quick and simple solutions to problems that anyone can implement in a matter of minutes. These include things like quicker ways to tie your laces; smart recipes you can make from home and clever tricks you can use to be more productive. To be a good life […]

5 Early Signs You’ll Lose Every Penny You Have After Your Retirement
Most retirees don’t really have any idea when will their funds run out. If you’re a retiree, you knowing how to manage your retirement funds is crucial. This usually includes making a record of all the things you are planning to buy this year, possible investments, and maybe even steps you can take to increase […]
7 Tips on How to Save Money
Photo by Anthony Crider Do you have enough money? Very few people would answer yes to that. Most of us always feel as though we’re barely making it and almost everyone wants more. Remember, money is but a tool, but damn if it ain’t a really useful tool! This Economy Sucks Even in the best […]