Tag: Personal Finance

7 Things to do With a Lump Sum of Money
Let’s say you’re given three wishes. What are the first things, besides of course one hundred more wishes and world peace, you would wish for? If you’re like most everyone else, it’s a large wad of lots of cash. The good news is you don’t need a genie for that wish to come true. Between […]

How to Make Smart Investments
The first thing that any investor should know is that it is impossible to always be right. You can ask anyone in the business, and they will tell you that you are going to lose on some of your investments. It is often impossible to know what these are going to be at the beginning. […]

The Beginner’s Guide to Personal Finance and Investment Strategy
It’s never too early to become more familiar with personal finances and planning out your financial future. However, because the topic can seem a bit complex, some people put it off for the future, which eventually seems to get further and further away. Personal finances and investing is an invaluable part of a persons financial […]

5 Alternatives to Bankruptcy that Might Work For You
Excessive debt wreaks havoc on your life. Daily phone calls and demand letters from collection agencies cause even more stress when you simply do not have enough money to pay the bills. Debt is a problem that won’t go away unless you do something about it, and tackling the problem is the only way to […]

Want to Save Money? How About a Radical Lifestyle Overhaul?
Everybody wants to save money, but nobody wants to give up on anything. Saving is uncool and scrimping is unsavory. Scrimp and save? Not when you are still young! Not when life is meant for living! We should be going out every weekend. Partying, drinking, buying cool clothes, and splurging on ourselves. After all, we […]

Saving Money & Securing Your Future
Everyone wants to have a secured future and for that, they require a rationally apt plan for saving. One can understand the essence of the Ants and Grasshopper story to a much clearer extent. It is a known fact that most of us realize the importance of saving, however; not every one of us knows […]