Tag: Personal Finance

Strategies to Consider When Growing Your Personal Financial Assets
When you’re trying to build wealth, it’s important to use the right strategies to maximize your results. In addition to the total value of your assets, you also need to consider how they’re taxed and how much income they can produce. Here are four strategies you should consider when growing your personal financial assets. Take […]

Personal Finance Habits That Will Make You Wealthy
So, are you looking to get rich next year? Alas, it is not easy to become rich overnight. All those familiar instances and cases about success actually is the hard work that has paid off. Remember one thing, when it comes to building money, no matter what happens there is no shortcut and this goes […]

Approaching Retirement: Understanding and Instituting a Bucket Strategy
When you first started planning for retirement, you may have tried to calculate a lump sum amount of cash you need to live off for approximately 20 or 30 years or longer. Even this cursory calculation can seem complex, but upon further reflection, you may have realized that your financial needs will not remain constant […]

5 Ways to Avoid Unnecessary Debt
With the argument still looming over unemployment extensions, jobs becoming more fragile and everyday expenses (ex. gas prices) getting to be too sporadic to budget for, it’s growing increasingly easy to end up in debt. However, there are some reasonable steps to take to avoid unnecessary pitfalls that will immediately land a person into debt. […]

How to Spend Your Money Wisely – Infographic
I found this Infographic that shows how to take control of your money. Knowing where every dollar is spent is just one part of your overall plan. Knowing yourself and your shopping habits can effect greatly how successful you will be with money. Check out this infographic and pick up a few cool tips to […]

Six Ways to Manage That Money Crunch
Are you living paycheck to paycheck? Or maybe you’re just trying to pinch those pennies to save up for a large purchase such as a car or home. Either way, most people can feel a bit of a money crunch each month. The trick is to learn how to manage this feeling. These six tips […]