Tag: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

5 Most Essential Insurances Policies to Have For Your Family
Insurance is important for protecting your family in a number of ways. There are many varieties of insurance, but five of them are considered by the experts to be essential for a household to continue functioning after an unplanned adversity. The Necessity of Health Insurance Under the law now in effect, Americans who do not […]

Getting the Most from Your Medicaid: Easy Tips that Will Help You and Your Family Gain More from Medicaid
There is nothing more important than your health and when you are relying on Medicaid for your health insurance, it is important to make the most of what you can get. Understanding how Medicaid can best help you and using it to the advantage of yourself and your family can be a challenging process. The […]

How to Be Sure You’re Covered as a Freelancer
Being a freelancer is awesome. You get to set your own hours, work with a variety of interesting clients, and most people who outsource their business needs pay their bills on time so the income is consistent if you develop good relationships with companies. The problem is that you’re kinda-sorta on your own when it […]

The Affordable Care Act Could Change Your Employer’s Health Coverage
When the Affordable Care Act takes effect on January 1, 2014, there are going to be significant changes to the American health care landscape. Some of those changes have already taken shape, such as new laws prohibiting the denial of coverage to people with pre-existing conditions, but the majority of new rules will kick in […]

What the Affordable Care Act Means to the Nation’s Safety Net Hospitals
A prevalent myth about non-profit hospitals is that they are primarily funded through insurance companies and out-of-pocket healthcare payments. According to the Wall Street Journal, most hospitals lose an average of $60 billion a year because of uninsured patients that they are required to treat in emergency situations. The vast majority of these patients simply […]