Tag: my student loans

Top 5 Strategies to Paying Off Student Loans

Top 5 Strategies to Paying Off Student Loans

| July 31, 2013 | 0 Comments

According to the College Board, the average coast of higher education has increased by a staggering 130% over the previous two decades. To put it in perspective, in this day and age certain private institutions, like Sarah Lawrence, cost well over $40,000 for one single semester. Yes, college students are facing higher tuition costs than […]

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Is It Possible To Pay Off Student Loans With A Credit Card

Is It Possible To Pay Off Student Loans With A Credit Card

| April 24, 2013 | 0 Comments

The cost of attending college is getting to be so expensive almost every one who attends will have at least one student loan.  Most people will have more than one.  Depending on what type of degree you have gone to school for it is possible that the amount of student loan debt you have acquired […]

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