Tag: Money

5 Signs That You’re An Emotional Spender
We are all human and unfortunately, at certain times our emotions can cause us to cry uncontrollably, overeat and overspend. Some of us have absolutely no control over our emotions. We sometimes have the ability to become debilitating emotional wrecks. For many of these people, spending seems to bring on a sense of unrealistic calm. […]

Economic Crisis Increases The Awareness Of A Budget
With the financial and economic situation that the United States has been experiencing and is currently in many people are realizing how important it is to have a budget and stick to that budget. People have realized that they have borrowed entirely too much in recent years and their spending has also increased. In fact […]

Five Instances When You Should Consider Taking Out a Loan
Taking out a payday loan is generally considered a bad idea, but there are a few instances when payday loans are beneficial. This may include avoiding a late fee or getting your car fixed so you don’t have to miss work. You Need Cash Without a Credit Inquiry Too many inquiries on your credit can […]

Finance Debate: Separate vs. Joint Checking Accounts
If you are in a relationship, you may be tempted to have a joint checking account with your partner. However, this may not be the best idea. There is a school of thought that says keeping your money separate from your partner’s money can lead to a happier relationship. Separate Accounts Promote Financial Independence When […]

Manage Your Finances Like a Market Analyst
Market analysts are the people that companies and banks employ to monitor what’s going on with stocks, shares, commodities and currencies. They are there to help organisations decide how to use and invest their money, and can be worth millions or even billions. They do of course have a particular set of skills and characteristics […]

Top Three Websites to Teach Kids about Money
The general notion of proper financial management is a precarious one. Indeed, many people have issues with money throughout their entire lives. Trying to stay afloat, financially speaking, while providing for a family and planning for things like retirement is a balancing act that requires the utmost skill. And if grown-ups have their hands full […]