Tag: Money management

Car Finance Calculation: An Overview
Have you been interested in owning a certain car but don’t have the money to pay for it in or is above your credit limit? One of your best bets in this case is to look for a lender that does car financing. It would be best, still, if you could make a thorough analysis […]

How a Lack of Personal Financial Knowledge is Bankrupting Americans
It’s hard to tell when exactly it happened, but one thing is certain at this point in our society; we know little about balancing our own budgets and maintaining our own personal finances. Perhaps our education system is to blame, as it has continued to decline in terms of quality and results. Yet it seems […]

5 Personal Finance Resolutions for 2013
The first day of the new year has finally arrived. Good intentions and wishes coming from all you see. Everyone wants to make this a really great year. Many people are making resolutions to improve their lives and lifestyles. I am not a fitness person but many in my home use a gym almost daily. […]