Tag: medical emergency

3 Ways to Fund an Unexpected Medical Emergency

3 Ways to Fund an Unexpected Medical Emergency

| August 21, 2019 | 0 Comments

You are going to need emergency surgery soon, and the costs are going to be higher than you expected. Like a lot of things in life, this one snuck up on you and is placing a significant burden on your financial situation. To make matters worse, you must be able to maintain paying down all […]

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Cash for Your Care: 4 Tricks to Paying for Medical Bills

Cash for Your Care: 4 Tricks to Paying for Medical Bills

| October 13, 2017 | 0 Comments

Medical ailments, ranging from broken limbs to surgeries, can be very expensive, especially if you’re not insured or if your insurance is lackluster. In order to deal with your medical expenses, you need to have some sort of plan. Otherwise, you might find yourself floundering. Here are for tricks to paying your medical bills. Work […]

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