Tag: how save money

5 Ways to Sock Away $100 This Week
You may think you are a thrifty person and don’t spend any more money than is necessary. But if you really take a hard look at your finances, it’s likely you can find areas where you can save more money. In fact, you may even be able to find ways to sock away an extra […]

10 Travel Tricks to Save Money with Some Minor Inconveniences
Do you remember that last time that you travel for the much needed vacation? Was it a good experience? Are you still paying your credit card bills from the last vacation that you had? Traveling does not always mean breaking your bank account, you can travel and enjoy a good vacation even without spending much […]

3 Ways Your Small Business Can Save Big
The world economy is in an uproar. Countries, including America, are financially in trouble. Jobs are negatively affected. Businesses, especially small businesses, are also feeling the pinch. In fact, big businesses are suffering as well. Many small businesses have risen out of the fact that many big businesses are falling. If you have a small […]

Save Money While You Shop
More than likely, you will have noticed the price of your weekly shop increasing as of late; slowly yet consistently. Products are getting smaller and prices are getting higher; that’s an unfortunate fact of the economy we now live in. Of course, it is the consumers who are picking up the brunt of this change […]