Tag: Green building

Efficient Home: Six Improvements That Save Money

Efficient Home: Six Improvements That Save Money

| December 12, 2013 | 0 Comments

Having an energy efficient home is very important if you want to save money on your electricity bill. Similarly, there are changes you can make to ensure that your home is safe from intruders. Here is a look at six improvements that will make your home safer, more efficient, and cost effective. 1. Get an […]

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Energy Savings Solutions for Renters

Energy Savings Solutions for Renters

| February 27, 2013 | 0 Comments

Energy savings is an important issue to any household as it decreases the cost of utility bills, is a main component of living an eco-friendly lifestyle, and protects valuable resources. Homeowners are often advised to the many changes they can implement to minimize their energy usage, but renters may feel somewhat restricted as it is […]

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