Tag: fixed deposits

Choose FD for Senior Citizen to Save Taxes and Fund your Retirement

Choose FD for Senior Citizen to Save Taxes and Fund your Retirement

| September 12, 2018 | 0 Comments

Retirement leaves you with many options to invest your precious money and to earn some good income from them. Different investment options available in the market have different pros and cons. An FD for senior citizens is a safe option to save on taxes and to keep funding your retirements. However, there are many other […]

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Interest on FD: An Assured Source of Income

Interest on FD: An Assured Source of Income

| June 20, 2017 | 0 Comments

No matter how the economy changes, investors continue to choose Fixed Deposits as a means of savings and investment. This can be attributed to the fact that Fixed Deposits combine returns with safety. This makes them a favourite across diverse class of investors. You can open a Fixed Deposit with a bank or NBFC. The […]

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