Tag: Financial Planning

Creative Ways to Invest Retirement Funds
Maintaining a comfortable retirement is a top priority for almost everyone out there. This is because people will need to consider how they can actively diversify their portfolio and create a more stable set of investments. In turn, this will also tend to allow people to generate higher overall rates of returns for the investments […]

Five Financial Goals Everyone Should be Making This Year
Finances and money management are a part of everyone’s life. However, not everyone receives proper advice and training on what to do with his or her income. Without a plan or goals, anyone can end up in a detrimental situation of debt, incessant phone calls and poor credit, which affects nearly every aspect of life. […]

Saving Money In The New Year: 6 Budget Friendly Updates
When the New Year hits, people typically make a list of resolutions that they hope they can stick to. And while some people’s goals drop off within the first week, it is important to evaluate which goals are important to keep up with, mainly because they can help you in the near future. One area […]

How to Survive a Recession and Live Like a King
Recessions are tough on everyone apart from the super rich. The cost of living continues to rise, along with the number of people out of work. It’s bad enough when you only have yourself to look after, but if you are supporting a family, life can be extremely difficult. However, there are ways and means […]

Savvy Budgeting Tips For Folks on a Budget
Those living on fixed incomes often look at financial planning as an activity reserved primarily for the rich. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, those with limited financial resources often need more planning than their more monetarily well-off counterparts for the simple reason they have less with which to work. Folks who […]

Why do you Need to Have a Will?
It is hard to believe that so many people are still undervaluing the importance of a will in the current day and age. What is a will? Essentially this is a legal document that states your wishes in relation to distribution of your assets and other important factors, such as who will become the legal […]