Tag: Financial Planning
Struggling With Debt? Six Tips To Quickly Get Back On Track
If you are struggling with debt, then you need to act right away to protect your financial future. You should be proactive instead of allowing debt and late fees to continue accruing. Six tips will help you to quickly get back on track financially. Cut Back On Monthly Expenses Your first step should be to […]

Budgeting 101: Six Things Most People Forget To Consider When Making A Budget
Making a budget seems something you can do on a boring Sunday afternoon when there’s nothing good to watch on TV. However, many people forget the prime ingredients that make a budget effective. They think it’s merely income vs spending. As a result, they come up with a lackluster budget scheme that will unlikely weather […]

4 Ways to Cope With Debt and Stress
Total consumer debt in the United States totals $11.4 trillion, according to the non-profit debt.org. And according to a survey by the American Psychological Association, 80 percent of Americans feel stressed by their financial situations and the debt they face. If this rings true to you, coping with the stress caused by your debt can […]

Why You Should Have Started an Emergency Fund Yesterday, and How to Start One Today
No matter how prepared you are, no one is immune from emergencies and surprises. Many people think that they cannot afford to keep an emergency savings fund because they are on a tight budget, however, what they really can’t afford is an expensive emergency. No matter your circumstances, an emergency savings fund is imperative to […]

Bankrupt! The Dangers of Debt
It is unfortunately rather easy to accumulate debt over the course of life. In fact, many consumers begin accruing credit card debt and student loans in their college years, and they may also take on a car loan. After college graduation, it is common to take on a home mortgage and to accrue additional debt […]

5 Ways to Avoid Unnecessary Debt
With the argument still looming over unemployment extensions, jobs becoming more fragile and everyday expenses (ex. gas prices) getting to be too sporadic to budget for, it’s growing increasingly easy to end up in debt. However, there are some reasonable steps to take to avoid unnecessary pitfalls that will immediately land a person into debt. […]