Tag: Financial Planning

4 Expenses You Can Cut to Reach Your Savings Goal Faster
If you have recently decided to set some savings goals, then you need to start thinking about a few ways that you can cut costs. Even if you think that you are relatively frugal, you could be spending huge sums of money on unnecessary expenses every month, and all of that money is going to […]

Understanding The Long Game of Investing in ISAs
An ISA is a great way to create income for hardened investors and penny pinchers alike! Whether you use your full yearly allowance, or simply a few bits of your paycheck here and there, investing in an ISA will help you grow your assets! But ISA’s aren’t get rich quick schemes! The financial planning that […]

Importance of Financial Planning
If you are still thinking that financial planning is only for those with wealth then you are greatly mistaken. Everyone needs financial planning. Your level of income has nothing to with whether you should be having a financial plan or not. Anyone can greatly benefit from a good financial plan regardless of your income level. […]

Financial Terms Jargon Buster
Stocks and shares ISA specialist True Potential Investor, along with its parent company True Potential LLP, is committed to improving financial knowledge. Below, you can find explanations of some of the core financial terminology: Bonds Should a company need to raise funds in support of a particular goal, they may issue corporate bonds, which […]

Rational Retirement: 3 Financial Planning Strategies For Lasting Wealth
One of the biggest concerns that American policymakers express is a worry that many people will not be adequately prepared for retirement. Where workers who retired decades ago could expect a company pension, today’s workers have 401k plans. The old pensions grew without any effort on the part of employees. Today, employees have to take […]