Tag: Financial plan

How Your Family Can Prepare for Big Financial Endeavors
If your family has big dreams for the future, you are in good company. Many families would love to buy a new home, start a business or pursue other endeavors that may cost a small fortune. Your finances may be one of the most significant hindrances in your ability to achieve your goals. Creating a […]

The Need for Financial Planning
Too often we get caught up or just plain confused when it comes to our finances presently as well as future planning. Markets and economies change constantly so it is hard to know exactly how to handle the speed bumps that might pop up on the way. Lets also not forget our personal life events […]

Savvy Budgeting Tips For Folks on a Budget
Those living on fixed incomes often look at financial planning as an activity reserved primarily for the rich. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, those with limited financial resources often need more planning than their more monetarily well-off counterparts for the simple reason they have less with which to work. Folks who […]

Ask Bert Griffin: Creating A Financial Plan In 10 EASY Steps
Always have a financial plan. That advice may be something you have heard a couple of times in your life but have not heeded. The fact is that a lot of Canadians do not have financial plans that serve as road maps for their goals, their lives and their future. But how do you come […]

Five Things the Walking Dead Can Teach You about Life and Money
While many believe zombies are not real, watching fictional movies about them can be quite enjoyable. The Walking Dead is a television show on AMC, and while it is fictional, there are many lessons to be learned about surviving an apocalypse. Keep It Simple The simpler the survival tools, the better you will be. That […]

Preparing for Financial Crises
In an up and down economy, it is an unfortunate fact of life that families need to be prepared for unexpected financial problems. Whether its being laid off from a job, medical bills or a natural disaster, being prepared for when a crisis strikes can help ease the stress of the situation and get you […]