Tag: EnergyStar

Top 3 ways to Save on Household Energy Costs

Top 3 ways to Save on Household Energy Costs

| March 20, 2013 | 0 Comments

As the world moves into a more globalized age, more and more people are thinking about how to preserve the planet and reduce their carbon footprint. But while it is important for everyone to do his or her part to preserve the world for posterity, simple household economics also play a role. It’s a simple […]

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Energy Star Appliances: Are They Worth It?

Energy Star Appliances: Are They Worth It?

| March 19, 2013 | 0 Comments

Browsing through the appliances section of any major department store or online retailer, it’s hard not to notice that little yellow label with “EnergyGuide” emblazoned across the top. This is the Energy Star rating for that particular appliance. This rating is the federal standard designed and overseen by the U.S. environmental protection agency in conjunction […]

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Energy Savings Solutions for Renters

Energy Savings Solutions for Renters

| February 27, 2013 | 0 Comments

Energy savings is an important issue to any household as it decreases the cost of utility bills, is a main component of living an eco-friendly lifestyle, and protects valuable resources. Homeowners are often advised to the many changes they can implement to minimize their energy usage, but renters may feel somewhat restricted as it is […]

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