Tag: Driver’s license

An Insurance Site that Cares

An Insurance Site that Cares

| October 17, 2013 | 0 Comments

Santam insurance is an insurance company with vision. It is an insurance company looking to help and to be the best of the best. Thinking big and offering integrity, diversity, and care, Santam insurance is an insurance company with passion. They are committed to inspiring, and taking care of customers the best way they know […]

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Student Driving: The High Cost of College-age Car Ownership

Student Driving: The High Cost of College-age Car Ownership

| September 12, 2013 | 0 Comments

It’s an age-old debate for young people on their way to college for the first time – to drive or not to drive? You might be married to your car, but in reality, far fewer teenagers and twenty-somethings are driving than ever before. In 2012, the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute did a study […]

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