Tag: Debt consolidation

5 Alternatives to Bankruptcy that Might Work For You

5 Alternatives to Bankruptcy that Might Work For You

| February 19, 2014 | 0 Comments

Excessive debt wreaks havoc on your life. Daily phone calls and demand letters from collection agencies cause even more stress when you simply do not have enough money to pay the bills. Debt is a problem that won’t go away unless you do something about it, and tackling the problem is the only way to […]

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Escape the Debt Cycle – Selling Your House to Start Over

Escape the Debt Cycle – Selling Your House to Start Over

| January 29, 2014 | 0 Comments

The current economic crisis is affecting people in every walk of life; businesses are going under, unprecedented numbers of people are being made redundant and the cost of living is ever increasing. Debt advice services claim that the number of calls they are receiving daily has trebled in the past year. Debt is one of […]

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Debt Spread Out? Five Reasons You Should Consolidate Your Debt

Debt Spread Out? Five Reasons You Should Consolidate Your Debt

| January 19, 2014 | 0 Comments

Life is so busy with family, friends, household chores and social events. Who has time to remember when you need to pay each of your many bills? And when you miss one payment, there is usually a hefty fee added on. The banks think if you miss one payment, then you will never pay them […]

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Five Things You’ll No Longer Need to Worry about when you Pay off your Debt

Five Things You’ll No Longer Need to Worry about when you Pay off your Debt

| January 18, 2014 | 0 Comments

When you are in debt, there are many things to worry about, and almost all the worries you have produce stress. Once you become debt free, you may still worry about money from time to time, but all your debt related stress will be greatly minimized. No worries about losing your car or home Although […]

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Know your Options: 4 Alternatives to Filing for Personal Bankruptcy

Know your Options: 4 Alternatives to Filing for Personal Bankruptcy

| January 17, 2014 | 1 Comment

If you are experiencing financial problems and feel that declaring bankruptcy is your only option, know that there are other options. There are many ways to deal with credit problems and these 4 alternatives are options to consider for your own situation. In most cases, these techniques can help you to greatly improve your financial […]

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Five Things You can Do When You are Buried in Debt

Five Things You can Do When You are Buried in Debt

| January 16, 2014 | 0 Comments

There are many people living under a big burden of debt, and unfortunately, few are aware of the solutions they have that would allow them to get out of debt. With interest charges being high on credit cards, digging out of credit card debt is tough, but not impossible. Below are five things you can […]

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