Tag: Credit score

Money Saving Schedules: 6 Tips For Getting Money In The Bank
There are many reasons why we save money. At times, we save money because we are planning for a big trip. Sometimes we save because our homes need repairs. Other times are savings goals are more long-term in nature. Whatever the in goal is, the steps that we need in order to get there are […]

Debt Spread Out? Five Reasons You Should Consolidate Your Debt
Life is so busy with family, friends, household chores and social events. Who has time to remember when you need to pay each of your many bills? And when you miss one payment, there is usually a hefty fee added on. The banks think if you miss one payment, then you will never pay them […]

A Bad Credit Situation Is Difficult To Handle and Can Harm Credit History
Certain unavoidable circumstances may lead to a situation where you have to face bad credit. After checking your credit score, it is important to assess where you stand. Credit repair companies offer services of professionals who use tools to improve your credit score. Poor credit situation is not permanent. You can take essential measures and […]

The Benefits to Parents for Getting their Kid a Student Credit Card
If you are a parent that has a child in college then there are a lot of things that you probably worry about. Besides getting good grades, hanging out with the right people, and working towards a degree, there are also many financial decisions to think about as well. College is pretty expensive on its […]
Five Credit Score Myths That Can Cost Financial Mishaps
Bad credit scores can really hurt” is an understatement. Back in the day, these determine a person’s qualification for a loan. Now, credit scores can influence employers in their hiring decisions and benchmark for insurance rates. CC Image By Casey Konstantin From Flickr Whether you have accumulated surmountable credit card debts, filed for bankruptcy or […]

4 Reasons Why Loaning Money Among Family is a Bad Idea
Many families will go to great lengths to help relatives. This type of love and caring can become complex when money is involved. Although it is tempting to make loans to family members, the reality is that the family relationship will cause problems. There are four reasons why loaning money among family is a bad […]