Tag: Credit card

How to Give Your Credit Score a Boost
When it comes to credit, you should know the score. Your credit score, that is. A credit score is a three-digit number from 300 to 850 that serves as a snapshot of your credit report at any given time. Ryan Sjoblad, spokesman for Fair Isaac Corporation — the company that created the credit, or FICO, score — […]

10 Tips for Getting Out of Debt in 2013
Credit card bills will soon arrive and show how much households spent during the holidays. Chances are good that many consumers added a few hundred dollars of debt to their credit card accounts which already averaged nearly $5,000 per cardholder. As we begin a new year, it is important to have a detailed plan on […]

The New Discover It Card Review – 18 months 0% APR on Balance Transfers
One of the largest credit card providers, Discover Card, has made a major redesign in its credit card offerings. They have cancelled the Discover More and Discover Motive card line and introduced the new Discover it® card. The new card design has been talked about this past year and has noted a enhanced cash back program and a friendlier fee structure. It has […]

5 Personal Finance Resolutions for 2013
The first day of the new year has finally arrived. Good intentions and wishes coming from all you see. Everyone wants to make this a really great year. Many people are making resolutions to improve their lives and lifestyles. I am not a fitness person but many in my home use a gym almost daily. […]

Fueling Up Without Getting Down
Like a toothache that starts out small and in a month’s time, becomes a painful, throbbing root canal, the cost of owning and driving a vehicle often sneaks up on us over time, creating a burden on our pocketbooks that can be just as agonizing as any visit to the dentist. There is perhaps no […]