Tag: Credit bureau

Who is a Credit Repair Specialist?
A credit repair specialist is an independent or employed person in an organization, to help individuals improve credit scores. They are licensed to work as liaisons between credit bureaus and clients. Irresponsible, careless spending individuals, or people who have being victims of identity theft, need a credit specialist, to increase credit score. Some credit […]

Tips to Improve Credit Scores by Removing Incorrect or Misleading Information
According to the Federal Trade Commission, five percent of American’s have errors on their credit report, and although that number seems fairly low, a recent investigation by the Columbus Dispatch found that those with errors on their reports can spend months, even years, attempting to get the erroneous information removed. Some of the mistakes can […]

How to Give Your Credit Score a Boost
When it comes to credit, you should know the score. Your credit score, that is. A credit score is a three-digit number from 300 to 850 that serves as a snapshot of your credit report at any given time. Ryan Sjoblad, spokesman for Fair Isaac Corporation — the company that created the credit, or FICO, score — […]