Tag: Cash

Selling Annuity Payments: Getting Appropriate Buyers
Selling annuities is not an arduous task but one that encompasses the need to research well, find the best options, compare the offers received from varied buyers and then take the final call. If you are stuck in a myriad of questions about finding the appropriate buyers to sell the annuities and different ways to […]

Lump Sum Cash: The Legalese of Selling Future Annuities
You have an annuity, or are receiving monthly payments from a lawsuit settlement, but you don’t want payments. You want cash. The payments do allow you to keep an easy monthly budget, but you think you can invest this money and make more than what you’re getting now. It’s a risk, but you’re willing to […]

Teach Your Teen Fiscal Responsibility: 4 Essentials
You may think that giving your teen a credit card will help them learn how to handle credit responsibly, but according to money expert Dave Ramsey, over 80 percent of college seniors are bogged down with credit-card debt before they even graduate. Helping your teens secure a credit card can be a valuable part of […]