Tag: Budget
Reduce Spending Without Going Crazy
Embed from Getty Images According to the Office for National Statics, household spending in the UK has increased by 0.8%. This means that if you are like most consumers; your spending habits have taken an upward trend over the past few years. This is not good news if you haven’t been saving. But how do […]

Why You Should Have Started an Emergency Fund Yesterday, and How to Start One Today
No matter how prepared you are, no one is immune from emergencies and surprises. Many people think that they cannot afford to keep an emergency savings fund because they are on a tight budget, however, what they really can’t afford is an expensive emergency. No matter your circumstances, an emergency savings fund is imperative to […]

Bankrupt! The Dangers of Debt
It is unfortunately rather easy to accumulate debt over the course of life. In fact, many consumers begin accruing credit card debt and student loans in their college years, and they may also take on a car loan. After college graduation, it is common to take on a home mortgage and to accrue additional debt […]

5 Ways to Avoid Unnecessary Debt
With the argument still looming over unemployment extensions, jobs becoming more fragile and everyday expenses (ex. gas prices) getting to be too sporadic to budget for, it’s growing increasingly easy to end up in debt. However, there are some reasonable steps to take to avoid unnecessary pitfalls that will immediately land a person into debt. […]

Need Extra Cash? Simple Ways You Can Get More Money To Help With Financial Emergencies
We’ve all felt the pain of being in a financial crunch. Unfortunately, relying on money from credit cards or payday advance facilities can trap you in a cycle of debt that can be almost impossible to break. Instead, try a few simple ways to raise extra money and get yourself through your tight spot. Sell […]

Debt Dangers: The Most Common Reasons For Going Into Debt
Do you hear stories about people deep in debt and worry that the same thing could happen to you? Fortunately, there are steps that you can take to avoid debt. By avoiding these common factors that can cause a financial crisis, you can help keep yourself debt-free: Not Setting a Budget The biggest reason why […]