Tag: Air conditioning

8 Energy Efficient Upgrades You Can Make to Your Home

8 Energy Efficient Upgrades You Can Make to Your Home

| May 16, 2016 | 0 Comments

Technology continues to advance in favor of sustainability and energy efficiency, and this is especially true of the technology inside our homes. Here is a look at the things you can upgrade in your home to make it more energy efficient. Lighting If you’re still using incandescent light bulbs in your home, make the switch […]

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Saving Money on Your Home Repairs: Tips from the Pros

Saving Money on Your Home Repairs: Tips from the Pros

| May 16, 2014 | 0 Comments

Having to make repairs to your home can sometimes be costly. However, if done correctly, they can help save you money in the long run, which will make for a worthy investment overall. If you are looking to make a few home repairs that will save you money in the long run, here are some […]

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Save Money This Summer by Saving Energy

Save Money This Summer by Saving Energy

| September 19, 2013 | 2 Comments

One of the most expensive seasons in terms of energy use is the summer. When temperatures soar and the sun beats down, people need to cool off. But that often means cranking the air conditioner and then paying huge energy bills. The average family spends around $2,000 per year on energy costs. This number can […]

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Four Ways Your Home Can Save You Money

Four Ways Your Home Can Save You Money

| September 6, 2013 | 0 Comments

In these tough economic conditions, everyone is trying to find ways to trim expenses. Believe it or not, your home can actually help you to save money. Here are four ways you can tap into the gold mine that is waiting for you each day when you walk in the door. Check Out Home Security […]

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Energy Efficiency: How Geothermal Energy Can Help You Save Money

Energy Efficiency: How Geothermal Energy Can Help You Save Money

| July 26, 2013 | 1 Comment

Whether it is cutting coupons or finding other ways to cut back on spending, we all enjoy finding new ways to save money. One of the smartest ways one can do this is with the use of geothermal energy. This energy is taken from the water passing through rocks underneath the Earth’s surface. This energy […]

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Using the Thermostat to Reduce Summer Energy Costs

Using the Thermostat to Reduce Summer Energy Costs

| March 29, 2013 | 0 Comments

The dreaded increase in our electric bill that occurs during the summer months is not really preventable, outside of enduring an extremely uncomfortable summer. Sure we could shut off the thermostat and live “off the grid” for a while, but for most of us, paying the extra 30 or 40 dollars every month is well […]

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