How to Survive a Recession and Live Like a King

| December 31, 2013

3D Recession Recovery

Recessions are tough on everyone apart from the super rich. The cost of living continues to rise, along with the number of people out of work. It’s bad enough when you only have yourself to look after, but if you are supporting a family, life can be extremely difficult. However, there are ways and means to soften the blow. With a few small changes, you can significantly improve your standard of living and make life a lot easier. So here are a few tips for surviving a recession intact and living comfortably.

Reduce Your Outgoings

The first thing to do if you are struggling to make ends meet is find ways to reduce your outgoings. Gather together bank statements and bills and make a list of all your income and outgoings. Scrutinize it all and see where you can cut costs. Cancel any unnecessary bills such as gym membership and TV subscriptions and see what’s left. You may also be able to save money by moving to a cheaper property, so don’t discount this option if money is really tight.

Become Self Sufficient

People who live on smallholdings are largely self-sufficient. They may not have much money, but at least they can grow food and raise a few animals. Think of it as the ‘simple life’. Once your smallholding is established, you can take a step back from the rat race and enjoy a purer lifestyle free from stress and hassle. This could be the answer if you have been made redundant and you have a small amount of money that could be used to buy a small property somewhere.

Save Money on Fuel

Reducing your utility bills will save you a fortune, especially during the winter months. There are many ways to do this.

  • Install a wood-burning stove – Burn logs and timber off-cuts if you have access to a supply of free wood, and if you install a back boiler you will have free hot water when the stove is on.
  • Solar panels – These are expensive to install, but they will save you money in the long run.
  • Wind turbine – Not a very attractive option, but wind turbines are an eco-friendly way of generating free electricity on windy days.

Grow Organic Veggies in a Portable Greenhouse

One way to save a fortune if you have a growing family to feed is to grow your own vegetables. Vegetables are an expensive part of the weekly grocery shop, particularly if you prefer to buy organic vegetables. Growing your own veggies takes time and effort, but homegrown vegetables are far tastier and are also free from nasty chemicals. You don’t even need a greenhouse if you have a passion for salad vegetables—it is possible to purchase portable greenhouses for use on any small piece of land.

Don’t let a recession drag you down. There is always help available if you are really struggling to feed your family, so don’t be too proud to ask. Food banks are available for vulnerable families and depending on where you live, you may also be entitled to help from the State.

The author of this post is Shruti Vaghe, a freelance blogger who is currently writing for Smart Club, leading retailers of rewards programs in Perth. She loves reading novels and sketching. You can also follow her on Twitter @ShrutiVaghe.

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Category: Family Finances

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