Struggling Under the Bills? How to Get Compensation After a Hit-and-Run Accident

hit and run accident
Car accidents can be terrifying. What can be even worse is when the vehicle responsible for the collision flees the scene immediately afterward.
This is known as a hit and run accident. You may be left with medical and car repair bills as well as the trauma and pain from the accident with no clear idea on how to pursue compensation.
Thankfully, there are steps you can take to obtain the compensation you deserve.
Contact the Police
Making sure you obtain the compensation you need requires taking the correct steps immediately after the accident.
Call 9-1-1 and make sure police respond and show up at the site of the accident.
This will ensure that a police report is on file regarding the accident.
This is extremely important in regards to filing insurance claims or a lawsuit.
The police will also be tasked with helping to locate the driver since fleeing the site of an accident is a crime. The criminal penalties can depend on the severity of the accident.
Obtain More Documentation and Evidence
You should also try to obtain more documentation and evidence that proves that the hit and run happened as you say it did.
Make sure to immediately go to a doctor for your injuries and get copies of your medical records.
Take photos and videos of your injuries, the damage to your car, and the scene of the accident.
Create a written document that goes over everything you remember about the accident including details regarding the time and place, the driver, their car, the scene, and the impact itself.
Contact an Attorney
If you are having trouble getting the compensation you need for the hit and run through your insurance company or other means, it’s time to contact a lawyer.
In fact, you should be contacting a car wreck attorney regardless.
Some companies, such as Aldridge Teasdale PLLC, know that such a lawyer can help you find the driver and then obtain the right settlement from insurance.
If their insurance isn’t adequate or they have no insurance at all, your lawyer can help you obtain the compensation you deserve in a court of law.
Pursue the Driver in Criminal Court
In most places, fleeing the scene of an accident is a crime.
This is especially the case if the damage caused by that collision was severe as would be the case when there are injuries or significant damage to other vehicles.
A lawyer can help you pursue the criminal case with the police so you obtain the justice you deserve.
That justice may include complete compensation for all the damage that was done to you.
Overall, you don’t have to accept being the victim of a hit and run accident.
Society provides for mechanisms such as the law and the insurance industry to allow you to obtain compensation for your losses.
Don’t wait. Take action immediately to obtain the compensation you deserve.
Category: Car Repair