Seven Things Where Buying Used Saves Money and Gets the Job Done
Buying used is a great way to save money on a number of household items. A wide variety of items can be purchased far, far below what they cost new, simply by doing a little searching. Buying used isn’t just for extreme penny-pinchers; anyone who is looking to save some significant cash can do so with relatively little effort. Of course there are some things you probably don’t want to buy used, there are a lot of things where buying used doesn’t affect their use at all!
It surprises quite a few people to learn that most thrift stores have the latest styles and name-brands somewhere on the shelves. Theses lightly used clothing items can be had for massive discounts, sometimes up to 90% off. If you search the shelves, you can generally find some clothing that is still new with the tags on as wel1! If you are afraid of buying used clothes, don’t be. These things can be washed, plus anyone can try on new clothes at the local mall as well.
Save money by not buying the latest and greatest in gadgetry. Find an item that suits a need, and buy it used to save a ton of cash. For example, if you have been searching for an ipad, wait till the latest and greatest version comes out, then buy the older one used. Many tech junkies are all for the latest new products, so they will often unload their older version for a fraction of the cost to buy the newest version.
Video Games and Movies
By waiting just a few weeks after the release date, most people can find movies and video games used for a reduced price. Patience is rewarded when buying entertainment media used. A brand new DVD costs you between $15 and $25 dollars generally, you can get that same DVD second hand for between $5 and $10.
Auto Parts
New auto parts typically have ridiculous markups when bought from a retailer. Make use of a used auto parts search to find parts that are still functioning well, but have come out of junked vehicles, and buy these parts at a massive discount.
Dishware, Flatware, Etc
Thrift stores have a wide variety of dishes, silverware, cookware and ornamental accessories that complete any dining room. While finding matching sets can sometimes be difficult, patience can be rewarded by finding items that every kitchen and dining room needs. If you are creative you can mix and match colors that work well together instead of waiting to find a full set. Once again, these items can be washed and it’s no less weird than eating off of a plate at a restaurant.
Baby Items
Clothes, toys and furniture are all things that a baby will outgrow quickly. Save money by finding these items in local classified or at thrift stores. Most baby items you find used will look new. Babies only wear clothing for a couple months before they need the next size up.
Tools, if properly cared for, can remain useful for years at a time. Search for used tools to avoid paying the ridiculous prices of a retail store. If the tool is in good condition, it is possible to get a like-new tool for a fraction of the cost.
While buying used can require a bit more legwork and research to find the correct item, the savings are worth the time spent. Visiting local thrift stores and searching online are some of the best ways to find used deals, and if someone is willing to spend the time, they can have the item they need, without burning a large hole in their pocket.

Category: Family Finances, Saving Money