Saving Money on Car Maintenance: What to do at Home and What to Leave to the Professionals
You may have watched your mechanic perform a basic car maintenance project and realized that you could have done the same thing, but without the high cost of labor. Several maintenance basics are easily done at home with the proper tools. You should avoid some repairs, however, because they typically need specialized equipment or training to accurately perform.
These car Basics are Safe to Perform at Home:
Oil Change
For a basic oil change, you need a proper storage container to catch the old oil, an oil filter, new oil, and a car jack. Oil changes are incredibly simple, as long as the car is jacked up safely on the vehicle’s chassis. Allow the oil to drain, replace the filter and add the new oil. You can save a tremendous amount of money just doing your own oil changes.
Brake Pads
All four wheels use brake pads either with disc or drum brakes. Jack your car up safely, remove the wheel and replace each pad using basic socket wrenches. Mechanics charge a lot of labor for this basic, but critical, repair.
Spark Plugs
Spark plugs provide the ignition of air and fuel within the engine to create combustion. The plugs’ gaps, where the spark originates, wears down over time. Your engine’s combustion suffers as the plugs break down. Replace the plugs by pulling them from the engine. Make sure you create the specific gap on the plug, based on the vehicle’s specifications, for the best repair.
Air Filter
Your air filter stops particulates from entering the engine block. Replace this periodically to increase fuel mileage and engine longevity.
These Should be Left to the Professionals:
Wheel And Tire Adjustments
Professionals should replace, align and balance your tires. The best prices on tires commonly include a discount on installation and disposal of your old tires.
Transmission Rebuild
A broken transmission is extremely difficult to align and repair. Allow professionals to fix this major vehicle section.
Whole Windshield
Allow professionals to install a new windshield. Their lifting, lowering and adhesion techniques come with a valuable warranty.
Axle Replacement
Axles should be replaced by professionals to maintain a vehicle’s balance and safety.
Performing basic car maintenance saves you time, but do not sacrifice safety and undertake a complicated repair. Keep your family safe with a professional’s repair when necessary. Spending money for a professional repair now could save you money on car problems or an accident in the future.
Author Bio: Kandace Heller is a freelance writer and native to Orlando, Florida. She loves to research and write about new topics. She got her information for this article from Rhett Stone of Simpletire

Category: Car Repair