Save Energy, Save Money
In order to help save money within the home there are many things that you can do quickly, easily and affordably that will allow you to keep some of your hard earned money in your pocket. Many projects only take minutes but will make a tremendous amount in the difference on your utility cost. Save all you can by performing some energy saving task that will show results on your next bill. Your children can even apply efforts that will help save money on your energy cost.
Involve the Children
Your children can help save energy in your home by turning off the lights when they leave a room. They can also turn off the TV when they are finished watching a program, turn off the stereo and other electronic devices such as gaming components. Teach your children to get what they need from the refrigerator quickly and to close the door. Standing in front of the fridge with the door opened can waste a lot of electricity.
Control Your Thermostat
Simply by lowering your thermostat a few degrees in the winter and raising it a few degrees in the summer you can help save on the amount of energy that your home uses. Wearing a thicker shirt in the home in the winter and a thinner shirt in the summer will help everyone feel a little more comfortable while saving on the energy bill. Set the thermostat on your water heater at 120 degrees in order to help save money and to still have a comfortable water temperature. The refrigerator should be between 37 and 40 degrees and you can test this by placing a thermometer in your fridge over night and checking it when you get up in the morning. If the temperature is too low, adjust the thermostat in your fridge.
Lighting Tips
CFL bulbs use 75% less energy than the old bulbs use and they last a lot longer as well. You’ll not only be saving money with energy but also with purchasing light bulbs. Timers are also a great way to help save on your lighting cost as they will allow you to choose how long a light can stay on in your home. Timers are great when you are going to be away from home but want to have a light on when you return or to give the impression that someone is at home. Dimmer switches can also provide great savings on your lighting cost, the dimmer the lights the less energy they are using.
Seal Air Leaks
Choosing to seal the air leaks in your home will also keep your money from flying out the window. Checking for and sealing leaks around windows, electrical outlets and fireplaces will help you keep the air that you want in your home in and the air you don’t want out. Sealing air leaks can be done easily with the use of a caulking gun and a tube or two of caulk.
Good Habits
In the winter time, open your curtains to allow the warm sunshine in that will help you warm your home and in the summer, close the drapes so that the hot sun doesn’t raise the temperature inside the home. Heavy drapes in the summer will also help keep the heat out as well as blinds that you can close completely.
Do all that you can to help cut the energy cost that your home uses and keep that money in your pocket.
Kara Fielder is a working mom who understands the importance of frugal living. She enjoys finding ways to save money and blogging about her experiences do it for a variety of websites. Click to view coupons and discounts from

Category: Saving Money