Qualities Your Accountant Should Have
There are quite a few qualities that an efficient accountant should have. Roberthalf ensures that each registered accountant with his or her service has these qualities and is willing to work with those that need a little assistance brushing up on their skills. Employing an accountant that has all of the qualities mentioned below is ideal for your business.
Proven Experience
Experience is important, even if it is as an intern. New accountants are ideal for working with small businesses, sole proprietors and independent contractors to start out. Once a bit of experience is gained, obtaining a position with a larger company is a more feasible goal. Examples of reports created or other proof of experience is often ideal to have on hand. Granted, most financial information pertaining to a business is private; displaying that you understand the process in which a task is performed is what a company looks for. Consider a PowerPoint presentation to display your skills to employers.
Multiple Areas of Expertise
An accountant that can perform more than one task is often found to be more valuable to a company. This reduces miscommunications and the requirement to hire more than one person for a task. An accountant that can maintain the entire financial need of a company is invaluable. This means that they are capable of performing payroll tasks, accounts receivable, accounts payable and all other required financial aspects of the business. Some companies do split up the tasks of their accounting department putting those that excel in a specific area in a position that plays to their strong skills sets.
Great Organisational Skills
Being organised is absolutely important as an accountant. You have to be able to focus solely on the task at hand and handle distractions without making a mistake. Having a specific process for each sector of a process is also important. It helps to prevent mistakes from happening. Providing examples of your organisational skills to an employer is often a request. You can show your skills by providing examples, letters of recommendation or by asking for a task to complete as a test.
The Ability to Perform Tasks Correctly
You have to know how to perform tasks with multiple types of technology as an accountant. Some businesses use more than one type of program to obtain reports, do payroll and maintain other financial records. As an accountant it is important that you stay up-to-date on the most common programs used and have the ability to pick up on how to use custom programs. This maintains your ability to perform tasks correctly. You must also be able to process how a company prefers tasks to be presented. These items play a factor in being able to perform the duties of your job properly.
Honesty is absolutely crucial as an accountant. The company has to be able to trust you with its money. An extensive background check is often performed on any candidate that wishes to obtain an accountant position. Some companies will hire a service to do their taxes each year. Roberthalf works hard to ensure that honest employees are found for its clients.
Category: Business