How to Make Sure You Get Paid after Being Injured on the Job

| April 25, 2014

How to Make Sure You Get Paid after Being Injured on the JobAs a worker in the construction industry or other type of labor-intensive industry, you dedicate your life to ensuring major projects come to fruition. If you are injured on the job, this can compromise your ability to contribute to future endeavors and even support your family. It is important that you stand up for your rights as a worker if you are in this position. Here are several steps that you can take to ensure that you receive compensation after you are injured on the job.

1. Speak with a workers’ compensation lawyer.

First, you may want to speak with a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible after the accident. Personal injury lawyer Steven J. Klearman can help you during your time of need and help you understand what your legal options may be. A personal injury lawyer can also help you determine the maximum amount of compensation that you are eligible to receive. It will be very helpful to have an expert on your side as you go through this process.

2. Record details of the accident.

Make sure that you take photographs of the accident scene and also take statements from any witnesses. This information can be beneficial to you in the event that you have to file a lawsuit against your employer for benefits. You will need to prove that an accident actually occurred and that you were injured as a result of the accident. Be sure that you make these recordings on the spot. If you wait too long evidence could change or be messed with.

3. Visit the doctor and create a medical report.

You should try to get in touch with a doctor as soon as possible after an accident. Even if you suffer from no visible injuries, you may still have a concussion that requires medical attention. The doctor can record all of your injuries as proof that you have actually suffered injuries as a result of the accident. This information may be admissible as evidence that you have suffered injuries in court. Just as you should record these right away, you should also be sure to go to the doctor right away.

4. File a lawsuit and seek workers’ compensation benefits.

Ultimately, your personal injury lawyer will try to negotiate benefits on your behalf. If an employer is not willing to provide you with the compensation that you deserve, then a lawsuit may need to be filed. A personal injury lawyer may also need to file lawsuits against other entities that are responsible for your injuries, such as the manufacturer of a defective piece of equipment.

An injury can greatly off-set your income. If you are not able to get the compensation you need then there is no reason you should not take matters into your own hands. These are some of the steps that you can take to reclaim compensation if you have been injured. It is vital that you assert your legal right to receive compensation if you have been injured due to the negligence of your employer.

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