Look For These Red Flags When Buying a House

| April 14, 2014

Selling a Home

Asbestos has been used over the years in different types of manufactured products and home materials. Althought asbestos pipe covering was scrapped off the market in the mid-1970’s, it remains in products such as brake pads and roofing materials. Many churches, schools, office buildings, and recreational facilities built during this time may still contain an abundance or trace amounts of asbestos. As recently as the 1990s, asbestos was still used regularly, and the potential risk of encountering asbestos is higher in older buildings. There are a few red flags home-buyers should look for when purchasing an older home.

The dangers of asbestos

Exposure to asbestos increases your risk of developing lung disease, and anyone can be a victim. Smokers are at higher risk, but generally the greater exposure, the greater chance of developing harmful health effects. Many are first exposed by inhaling asbestos fibers already in their homes by disturbing asbestos-containing materials as they remodel. One of the most common health implications is mesothelioma, caused by prolonged asbestos exposure.

Mesothelioma is a progressive disease in which the lungs are scarred by inhaled asbestos fibers, and may lead to death. Often, by the time symptoms appear, the disease has already progressed to a point where treatment may be more difficult, if helpful at all. Many of the symptoms of mesothelioma, including shortness of breath, pain in the chest or sides, and persistent cough are similar to many other conditions making a correct diagnosis more difficult.

It may often be difficult to link past asbestos exposure to current symptoms as these symptoms may not appear until 20 to 30 years after the exposure.There is no safe level of exposure and people may be exposed without knowing it.

Seeking legal help

If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma caused by prolonged asbestos exposure, it is important to seek legal help which may further inform you of your rights and help weigh your options. For many, treatment for mesothelioma can be costly and create financial strain on individuals and their families. You may be eligible for financial compensation if your exposure was due to negligence on the part of the manufacturer or owner of where you were exposed. Current defenders in asbestos litigation include manufacturers whose products knowingly contained asbestos. Be informed and wary about buying an older house and hire an inspector to help you ensure your home is a safe environment for you and your family. Inspectors will check roofing, pipes, ceilings, and tiles which may contain asbestos materials. There are also asbestos-removing companies who will safely remove existing traces of asbestos including pipe insulation and other hazardous roofing materials.

Red flags for potential homeowners

When buying an older house, it is important to be aware of any and all environmental hazards which may affect the health of your family. Some things to be on the look out for include: radon water contamination, asbestos, lead paint, underground storage and septic tanks, moisture in the basement, black mold, defective roofing, mixed plumbing and aluminum wiring.

This article was contributed on behalf of Shrader & Associates L.L.P., a respected law firm you should consider when seeking representation for cases involving mesothelioma and asbestos. Check out their website today and see how they can help you! 

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