How Going Green Can Reduce Your Family’s Financial Pressure

| April 30, 2018

Going GreenThe increase in the prices for energy in all its forms may be starting to cause your family some financial pressures. Investing in more green solutions may be the way to help you stay on budget. In order to do so, here are some of the ways that your family can go green.

Rainwater Collection for Irrigation

In order to keep your yard green each year, you may see a huge spike in your water bill. Consider another way to have that lush yard without the extra expense. Rain barrels have become very popular in recent years.

Some gutter companies even include them as an option when getting new gutters. Shop around so that you can find the best deal. Don’t spend a fortune purchasing rain barrels just so you can save a little money on your water bill.

Invest in Energy Efficiency

Going GreenThe average household can save a significant amount of money each year by investing in green solutions. It could save $1,000 a year in net household energy costs and cut your carbon footprint.

Energy efficiency includes things like adding insulation into the attic and crawl space of your home. Invest in energy efficient doors and windows to cut down on those drafts. Look into appliances that use less energy overall when it’s time to replace your old ones.

Find Alternate Means of Transportation

Gas prices will continue to rise over time. These rising prices can start to eat into your budget. Consider using your car a little less to save some green. You may be able to bike or walk to work instead of driving.

The bus or some other form of public transportation may be available in your area. Another solution is to carpool with some of your coworkers. Take turns driving so that everyone can receive the most benefit.

Others Methods of Cooling

During those hot days of summer, it can be tempting to crank up the air conditioner. At the end of the month, you may be hurting to pay your electric bill. Look into cooling solutions that don’t use the AC.

For example, open your windows up during the cool part of the day. Capture as much cool air as possible by using window fans. Shut your windows and trap that cool air inside with the curtains closed.

Install ceiling fans to help circulate the air so that you feel cooler.

Going green can save your family some money. Be creative in your solutions so that you can reduce the financial burden of your energy consumption.

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Category: Saving Energy

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