Home Heat: 4 Energy-Efficiency Tips for This Winter

| November 22, 2017

Energy-EfficiencyMany people dread the winter months because they know that they will have to spend more money on their electric bill. However, it is possible to keep your home comfortable during the winter months without breaking the bank. There are several things that you can do in order to make your home more energy-efficient.

Use the Sun

You can warm your home for free by using the sun. All you have to do is keep your curtains open during the day. Make sure that you close the curtains before you go to sleep in order to keep the cold air out at night.

Update Your HVAC System

Your HVAC system is one of the main things that causes your electric bill to rise in the winter months. That’s why you may want to consider working with a company like Controlled Comfort or someone similar to update your HVAC System.

This will not only make your system more energy-efficient, but it can also help you save money. Your HVAC system will be less likely to need repairs.

Use a Programmable Thermostat

Energy-EfficiencyIf you do not currently have a programmable thermostat, then now is the time to invest in one. A programmable thermostat is a device that is designed to adjust the temperature based on the settings that you have.

For example, you can have it set to where the temperature drops while you are away from home and rises when you get home.

You can also decrease the temperature while you are sleeping. You can use blankets and a space heater to stay warm at night.

You can save 10 percent on your energy bill by decreasing the temperature by 10 degrees for eight hours out of the day.

Use Fans Wisely

Energy-EfficiencyIf you have a ceiling fan, then you can use it to keep your home warm. All you have to do is turn the blades clockwise. Warm air rises. When the fans turn clockwise, the warm air will be pushed back down.

Try to avoid using exhaust fans in your bathroom and kitchen. They pull the warm air out of a room. If you have to use them, then you should only use them for a few minutes at a time.

The winter weather does not have to cause you to break your budget. You can keep your home warm by opening your curtains during the day and upgrading your HVAC system.

You can also install a programmable thermostat in your home. Additionally, you will need to use fans wisely.

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