Five Ways You Can Prepare Your Home For Any Disaster

| August 23, 2013

Five Ways You Can Prepare Your Home For Any DisasterWhile natural disasters are more common in certain regions of the country, such as hurricanes in the Southeast and earthquakes in the West, any area can be vulnerable if the conditions are right. This is why homeowners should always be prepared for a possible disaster at all times. The following tips can help.

Know the Risks

A homeowner should always be aware of the possible disasters that may occur in a given area, especially when first moving there. Insurance policies should be closely inspected to ensure there is proper coverage for specific events. Home security is always a top priority in any situation, and Spokane home automation can assist in setting up a system that can be monitored from any location via a smartphone.

Strengthen the Home

Many homeowners are unaware of the simple upgrades that can protect a home against violent, destructive weather. Hurricane straps can hold a roof down against battering winds, a safe room can offer shelter against a tornado and storm shutters will protect against breaking glass and driving rain. Protection against one type of disaster may be helpful in other situations as well.

Have an Emergency Kit

Every homeowner should have an emergency kit ready for use at all times. The kit should include water, a flashlight, batteries, a radio, food, a cellphone and money. Once the basics are taken care of, the kit can have more specific items added to address the needs of pets, children and the elderly. Having a small bag packed in the event of an immediate evacuation will save time. Vivint home security services can provide peace of mind by allowing an entire house to be locked down with a single smartphone screen tap.

Make an Inventory

Making a detailed list of everything in a household can be time consuming, but it will make the disaster recovery process go faster and more be efficient when filing an insurance claim or applying for aid from the government.

Practice for Emergencies

An emergency plan should be detailed and practiced many times so everyone knows exactly what to do. The focus should be on communication, shutting off utilities and finding alternative ways out of each room in the house.

Complete preparation for a possible disaster will not happen overnight, but the steps taken in the present will help the homeowner find some peace of mind.

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