Five Instances When You Should Consider Taking Out a Loan

| September 20, 2013

Five InstancesTaking out a payday loan is generally considered a bad idea, but there are a few instances when payday loans are beneficial. This may include avoiding a late fee or getting your car fixed so you don’t have to miss work.

You Need Cash Without a Credit Inquiry

Too many inquiries on your credit can lower your score, which can have a big impact if you’re getting ready to buy a car, switch insurance companies or get a new job. Title loans in San Diego are a good option for people who need a few hundred dollars to get them through until payday without having an inquiry on their credit report. Try to borrow the money from a friend or family member, but a payday loan is an option if you don’t have anyone to borrow from.

To Avoid Late Fees or Disconnection

Most utility companies give you a very short time to pay your bill before your services are disconnected, so it makes sense to get a payday loan to avoid having your power or water shut off. A payday loan can also help you avoid having to pay a late fee if you’re short on money to pay your mortgage or another bill. Just make sure that the loan fees don’t exceed the late fee you would have to pay if you put off the bills until you get your next paycheck.

A Family Emergency Arises

If there is a major emergency that you have to take care of right away, such as your parent dying in another state, a payday loan will give you the money you need to travel right away. You could save up the money to visit a family member who is in the hospital, but they may die before you are able to visit them without taking out a loan. Having to repay a loan is better than missing out on seeing someone you love one last time.

Your Vehicle Breaks Down

Most people live in areas where it is impossible for them to get to work without a vehicle. If you don’t have the money to get your car out of the shop it will sit there and you will have to miss work or find alternate transportation. Taking out a payday loan to get your car out of the shop means that you will have reliable transportation to and from work and won’t risk losing your job because you were late too many times; you can start with one of the many helpful services that offer car title loans in California.

You Need Money for Necessities

If you find yourself in a situation where you are unable to buy food or pay a co-pay to visit the doctor until you get paid again, a payday loan may be your best bet. There are fees associated with the loan, but paying a fee is far better than suffering for a week or two until you have money again.

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