In a Fender Bender? Don’t Make These Mistakes
When you are involved in a car accident, your adrenaline goes into overdrive. You shake, may even tear up, and, unfortunately, your mouth switches to autopilot. Whether or not you are at fault, there are mistakes that you can make in the aftermath of an accident that will greatly affect the outcome. When you are involved in a fender bender, it pays to not make these common mistakes.
1.Missed Photo-Op
Virtually everyone has a smartphone. Even if you have a dumb phone, make use of its camera. As soon as you make sure that you and your passengers are physically okay, get out of your car and start taking photos. Take pictures, if it is safe to do so, before either car moves out of the way of traffic. These photographs will be your proof should you have to go to court. Your insurance agent may ask that you forward these photos or show them to your adjuster.
2.Refusing Medical Care
Refusing medical care is a no brainer in a minor accident that causes very little movement or damage. If, on the other hand, you are hit the rear, the front or the side, and your car is put into involuntary motion, do not refuse medical care. You may not experience pain related to your accident for several days or weeks after the accident. If you refuse care on the scene, the other guy’s insurance company will use this information as a way to get out of paying your medical bills.
3.Talking to the Other Driver
Check to see if everyone else in the other car is okay and then walk away. Never stand around chatting about the accident with the other driver. If the accident is your fault, it will be tempting to begin apologizing. If the accident was the other driver’s fault, you’re going to get angry. In either case, don’t talk to anyone but the police. In fact, take it a step further and skip having any kind of a talk with your insurance adjuster. Talk to your adjuster about the damage to your vehicle but nothing else. This is what attorneys are for.
4.Getting Information
Yes, you can pull information from the police report, but the report takes time to be registered. If you can help it, you need to remember to get the other person’s information. If your hands are too shaky to write, take a snapshot of their insurance card with your phone. Alternatively, you can ask the responding officer to get the information for you. This information will be vitally important in the days to come.
5.Keeping an Accident Journal
Very few people take the time to jot down notes in the days following their accident. When you feel that you need an attorney, these notes are helpful. Document how much time from work you have lost, how long you are without your car, any medical issues you experience, and even how the accident affects your family.
According to Fox Business, there are close to 10 million accidents each year. These accidents range from minor private property bumps to major highway collisions. When you find yourself in one of these accidents, the way that you handle it can make a huge difference. If you only remember one thing, remember this: Don’t let your mouth operate on autopilot after a collision.
Writer Deanna Ford was grateful she had car insurance Colorado Springs World Climate helped her find when she had a fender bender last spring.
Category: Car Insurance