Energy Saving Tips for Small Businesses
It’s not uncommon to hear politicians talk about how small businesses are “the backbone of the American economy.” After a while, this can start to sound like overkill. But according to data from Get Busy Media, small businesses provide 80% of all new jobs in the country. That means the some 27 million small businesses currently in the United States are indeed the cornerstone of said economy. And the tragedy is that many are struggling just to stay afloat.
Yes, small businesses are constantly looking at ways they can cut costs. One area that many organizations often overlook is energy consumption. Not only can cutting utility bills save a business some much-needed cash, it can also be a positive for the environment.
With that in mind, here are some tips for energy efficiency for small businesses.
Invest in Energy Star Equipment and Appliances
Energy Star is the federal standard for energy consumption. While older appliances were known for inefficiency, those modern items with the yellow energy Star sticker are guaranteed to save money on utility bills. Certain statistics even show that businesses can save between 10-13% on their power bill. So all small businesses should consider upgrading everything from HVAC systems to the communal coffee maker to Energy Star-rated models.
Utilize compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs)
Speaking of inefficiency, older incandescent bulbs have the market cornered. That’s because they were never designed with energy efficiency in mind. Therefore they are more trouble than they are worth. Indeed, modern CFL bulbs are more expensive than their antiquated counterparts, but they end up paying for themselves in energy savings and a longer shelf life. That means businesses everywhere should swap out incandescent for CFLs as soon as possible.
Keep an eye on climate control
Heating and cooling often accounts for some 50% of all power bills. This can really add up over time. The surest way to lower these bills is to ensure the HVAC system in question isn’t wasting power. Being diligent about annual HVAC maintenance is one good way to ensure energy efficiency; lowering the thermostat even as little as a single degree is another.
Control sunlight
It’s typical: summer comes around and people in the office need more AC. But business owners would be surprised to learn just how effective controlling direct sunlight via curtains and shades can be. Block sunlight effectively, and there’s no less of a reason to lower the indoor temp.
Motivate staff
It’s important to change staff habits when it comes to energy consumption. That means prohibiting employees from charging mobile devices while on the job. Also, allowing certain workers who meet specific criteria to perform their duties from home a few times a month can save a great deal on utility bills over time.
These are just a few things small business proprietors will want to keep in mind when considering how to reduce energy costs. Other more basic habits are also useful, such as ensuring all lights are off when the last person leaves the office for the day and turning off all computers at night.
Michael Young is a professional blogger that provides news and information on automation control systems, wire management systems and supplies such as din rail power supplies. He writes for Industrial Control Direct, a supplier for industrial automation control systems.

Category: Saving Energy