Corporate E Cards Can Help your Business Brand Look Better
Sending out cards is one of the small things that can make a business look wonderful, or very stupid indeed. Sending out seasonal cards to clients is a nice way of staying in touch and reminding people that you exist. But sending out the wrong cards can cost a lot, both in terms of cash and public relations.
This is why it is a good idea, when the next holiday season rolls around, to consider sending corporate E cards to clients and others. Electronic cards have several advantages over the conventional paper variety, both economically and socially. They can also send a strong message about the ethos and mindset that informs the work that your business carries out.
1. Economically Literate.
Having hundreds of cards printed can be an expensive business, even if you end up liking what the designer puts on the front of the card. The cost of card, envelopes and paper can be huge, especially if you have a big client base. Never underestimate just how expensive posting all the cards out can be either. Even a couple of hundred first class stamps can start to look pricey during economically tough times. E cards can also save you money if you do not like the final design. Changing the design is not a case of pulping hundreds of cards, but simply a few mouse clicks.
2. Environmentally Friendly.
Using E cards is also a much more environmentally friendly way of sending out seasonal greetings to clients. There is no need for so much paper, as nothing is printed off. That is not only good for the environment, but also sends a wider message about how your company thinks and acts. Environmentally friendly practises, coupled with using new technology, can make your company look very dynamic and innovative, which is excellent public relations.
3. Flexible Compatibility.
The good thing about E cards nowadays is that they can usually be viewed on a variety of devices, from smartphone to desk computers and everything in between. With increasing numbers of people accessing their emails and the internet from their smart phones or tablets, it is a good idea to ensure that the E cards you send can be viewed on as wide a range of devices as possible. Making a point of doing this helps to back up the positive messages about being a forward-thinking company too.
Sending corporate E cards is therefore smart on many levels. It makes the company look good, as well as sending out positive environmental messages about your brand. It also maintains the tradition of sending cards to clients, without the whole affair taking a massive chunk from your business budget.
Scott Halliday is a business consultant from Glasgow, in Scotland. He has worked in the engineering, marketing and advertising sectors, in a variety of roles. His expertise on entrepreneurial matters, including issues such as the most professional corporate E cards to send at Christmas, is widely sought and he writes for a range of business blogs and websites.

Category: Business Plan