
Teaching Kids Small Habits for Big Impacts
Raising children can be a crazy whirlwind of happiness, stress, and ultimate joy. I mean nothing seems to tip the scales into the absolute of “don’t have babies”, Yes, it can be tiring and some days you’d like to just lay out on the beach without a care in the world, but parenthood isn’t a […]

Tips for Making Healthy Living More Affordable in Retirement
In 2017, it was reported that roughly 90 percent of Americans do not eat the daily recommended number of fruits and vegetables. Adhering to the 1.5-2 cups of fruit daily minimum, and the 2-3 cups of vegetables daily minimum, is especially important for older adults. Why? Dozens of studies have linked the consumption of fresh produce to […]

Safe Living Environment: 4 Ways to Ensure Your Home Promotes Good Health
Your home is a place where you are going to be spending a lot of time. Unfortunately, many homes are not safe places to live. As a result of the state of certain homes, inhabitants good health may soon disappear and they find themselves chronically ill. Other homes are structurally unsafe. The following are a […]

Overcoming the Ache: 5 Pain Management Tips to Try
There are many people dealing with some kind of pain. This issue attacks a person from many angles and can really diminish quality of life. The following are five pain management tips that you can try. Massages May Work A good massage therapist may be able to give you some relief. These individuals understand what […]

Mounting Medical Bills? 4 Tricks to Getting Them under Control
The high costs of medical bills make them a huge source of stress, and they’re a common reason for people to go bankrupt. Your medical bills don’t need to ruin your finances, though. Here are a few tricks that can help you pay them off. File an Insurance Claim The first thing to do for […]

Insult To Injury: 3 Weird Ways Getting Hurt Can Cost You Extra
Injuries can happen at any time to anyone. Most injuries are minor, you may easily be able to recover from them with a few days of TLC at home. However, other types of injuries are more significant. They can result in substantial downtime and lingering symptoms that interfere with your daily life. These are some […]